01745 339003
Frequently Asked Questions
To apply to becom an event's Charity Partner, please visit 'Events', scroll down to your chosen event and then click on the mauve "Charity Partner Information HERE >>>" button. This will then take you to the form to complete.
Yes. We have an extensve list of suitable venues for your event throughout the country
Please click on the link to see the different food types we offer and then use the button on that page to access the Corporate Event's enquiry form so a member of the corporate events team can come back to you. Click HERE >>>
The best way forward is to email julian@charitydragonboatfestivals.org.uk with your question.
In addition to organising open dragon boat festivals, we are associated with the UK's premier dragon boat events team and are involved with events all over the UK, from the end of April through to begining of October. We have a large database of suitable venues for your event or you can suggest your own. In the latter case, as long as the venue you wish to use passes our site visit safety inspection, we will be able to help you organise your event anywhere in the UK.
Charity Dragon Boat Festival offers an alternative fund raising solution to traditional 'own' charity organised events.
As an established independently organised event, you can promote our event with confidence to your community or corporate partners to enter teams in the morning event. Each team pays their own entry fee and raises sponsorship for you.
Alternatively, if you know you are able to raise four Corporate teams, you can apply to become one of the Charity Partners in the afternoon Multi Charity event. Restricted to just four Charity Partners, the afternoon event is specifically designed as an adrenaline challenge event suitable for their key Corporate partners.
Boyancy aids will be provided for all competitors whilst on the water should the unlikly instance of a capsize (which can happen, but is rare) occur.
These are specially designed race options for any company with two or more teams in the event.
For these teams, we will seed them so they do not meet in the first two qualifying rounds and bring them together in the final qualifying race so they can have their own inter-company competition!
In effect, the first two rounds then become training races for each team before their face off. Great fun and rivalry and definitely for competitive company teams only. (Think of it as corporate team building benefits, but at charity rates and you can quickly see why so many companies enter a second (or third) team and then pit departments / branches against each other!
The team entry fee is £550.00 per team for up to 17 competitors and goes towards the cost of the festival.
The team sponsorship is separate and is paid to the charity direct via the team's online giving page, which the Captain / another team member will need to set up.
Once set up, this link will need to be sent to all team members so they can pay their sponsorship. The link will also need to be sent to julian@charitydragonboatfestivals.org.uk so it can be put up on the team entry table.
Each team member is challenged to raise a minimum £100 in sponsorship.
Go to 'Events' and click on the location of the event you are interested in entering.
Scroll down until you come to the green "Enter The OPEN Charity Event HERE>>" and click the button for further instruction for that event.
(If you can't find a green button, it may mean all places have already been taken, so check the "Team Entries" table further down the website).
Usually, NO. Up until the cut-off date, teams can be registered with just a £100 non refundable deposit.
To see when an event's cut-off date is, click:
The Open Event is for individual teams who have a charity to support or for charities to promote to their supporters (Open = open for any team to enter). Teams are able to enter an Open event by completing the online team regtistration form and nominating on the form, the charity they wish to support.
The Multi Charity Event (MCE) is a closed event for the benefit of the partner charities only, so entry into the MCE can only be done via a Charity Partner fund raising team member.
If you would prefer to enter a MCE, please click the blue "Enter the Multi Charity Event HERE >>>" button and complete the form so we can forward you enquiry to your selected charity.
Each dragon boat will have a helms person supplied by our dragon boat provider who will steer your boat.
Teams are NOT expected (or allowed) to steer their own boats.