Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the team entry fee and team fund raising work?

    The team entry fee is £500.00 per team for up to 17 competitors and goes towards the cost of the festival. 

    The team sponsorship is separate and is paid to the charity direct via the team's online giving page, which the Captain / another team member will need to set up.

    Once set up, this link will need to be sent to all team members so they can pay their sponsorship. The link will also need to be sent to so it can be put up on the team entry table.

    Each team member is challenged to raise a minimum £100 in sponsorship.

  • How do we register a new team for an event?

    Click:, then the green "Team ENTRY >>>" for further instructions.

    (If you can't see the green button, it may mean all places have already been taken, so check the "Team Entries" table further down the website).

  • Do I need to pay the full team entry fee when registering?

    Usually, NO.  Registrations before Thursday, 04 August can be done with a £100 deposit and the balance to follow. After this date and you will be invoiced for full payment.

  • Some of our team members are not available to attend the festival, can we change team members?

    Yes, as long as they have completed their part of the team participant consent form, attended a safety briefing and got their wrist band.

  • I have members who might arrive late, is it possible for us to race later on?

    Requests to race later in the program can be made by the registered Captain only up until 17:00 on Thursday 25th August by emailing 

    Please note that, because of the race order's complexity and the placement of Head-to-Head teams, it may not always be possible to accommodate change requests.

    Please be aware:  If your team member is late arriving on the day, it may mean you having to race without them.

  • Is it possible to change our team name?

    Team names can be changed by the registered Captain only up until 17:00 on Thursday 25th August by emailing

    After this time the Event Information Sheet, which also includes the Race Order, is then published.

  • Once registration closes, how do late arrivals register?

    Please ask them to come to Event Control and speak to one of the staff there.

  • Who steers the boat?

    Each dragon boat will have a helms person supplied by Race The Dragon Ltd. who will steer your boat.  

    Teams are NOT expected (or alowed) to steer their own boats.

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